Friday, February 19, 2010

Car Sales Agreement Form Car Dealer Sold Car To Someone Else When We Were Buying The Car.?

Car Dealer sold car to someone else when we were buying the car.? - car sales agreement form


I would like for all the notice of the dreadful experience of our last night in Huntington Beach Ford meet, we went up 5 hours, a test drive in this car and decided to buy it. But we went the whole process, ending the price with all the remaining charges sales @ department, run the credit report, credit application and everything. At 8 clock, and finally we had to pay in the Finance Department for the car, cutting and inspection procedures for the signing. As I and my husband was signing all the papers (there were 10 forms), the current method of financing a call from the office. The proportion of Finance has us wait a minute, and you have to take care of a situation from outside. After about 15 minutes, the man who was funding and said it was a real struggle takes place outsidesomeone who has just arrived and is ready to pay $ 700 more for the car, and that since it is not the sale agreement / contract agreement, signed a new client who has to consider the right to offer to the car. We thought it was a kind of bait, they said they would not, we pay the price we agreed that this Agreement shall be printed on the worksheet. Then the man said he was sorry to sell the car for this new person who enters

I was shocked. This was the worst work ethic I've seen in my entire life and is very sad that I experience the American automobile had company. We were from 5-8:30 Clock and I can not believe they would do so, including a pregnant woman like me.

1. If the dealer is right thatve the right to sell the car to someone else, already has a check in the middle of signing the paperwork.

2. What would you do?

I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you all.


Cali dude said...

it's just business .. has nothing to do with the U of pregnancy. It's like a flea market and someone asked how much of your washing machine and dryer or a television set and gave a prize and another person was also concerned and has a higher bid is dropped (if l is the attention of the purchase is part of the garage sale or price) for most people, the subject has the highest bid. little advice, if .. The next time you find the car and the price you want, the dealers take the vehicle back to the (Off Lot) have front, it is the product sales, as the game in the salesroom. In the not too bothered, because you'll probably find the best shopping offer at any time if you can wait until Saturday or Christmas for the best deal ... and dealers in the same store several RPoduct, which makes them a price advantage and let them know that we are the dealers for the purchase in advance. See the dealers come to an end and final objectives of the year outside the car very much as they want, even the end of the year, and both are targets of this month so that they can give you a much unheard of to get high premiums, the cost per year. so that things happen for reasons, and I bet you get a better deal
Here is a link .. from Yahoo for buying this month ...

pickmefi... said...

If you sell a car, and I will buy, we have opted for a price, but not signed the final document, and someone came in and offered $ 2,000 more for the car, what would you do? I will not go back to the dealer and say bad things, he has every chance. could be a ploy to raise prices

Eric B said...

If I? I gave them an ear full and go to another dealer. Who has time to deal with this situation? It is a terrible thing to do and all, but she has done just that. F them.

alfredb1... said...

, Without reading your blog, I would be a wonderful work ethic.

The man raised $ 700 more, and what can be achieved, the percentage in order to feed his family.


1. Yes

2. Still alive.

Anonymous said...

Now I suspect that most dealers the same thing if given the opportunity, would make an additional $ 700.

There's really nothing you can do.

BW said...

I would say that if there is an agreement in the price and the price in writing that a written contract.

In addition, the hand or a written agreement and bought from a dealer, not in the auction, and will be used as bait and switch .... or purchase price stated in the advertisement, opted for an auction and raised the price! Bait and Switch in a written agreement for sale!

Sue in Small Claims for the difference in price in the same care as a dealer in another city .... teach em bait, people with a low price for them to "false"

Sophie B said...

Yes, you can do that ...

You have no right ... No, and collect the money and go ....

If you say it today, that have the resources for other species proved to be false to say that you only buy the car if it relates to the extended warranty and lower price .... 1000.00 pull ..

Then, if they refuse .. Buy your car elsewhere ....

If they are on the higher and higher, would be another vehicle for the same price are available ....

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